Christine Dengis

Meet Our Trainers

“The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen” ~author unknown   
“What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow” ~Jay Cutler

Christine Dengis

Classes I teach: 
Group Power, Group Core, Group Ride, R30 

How long I’ve been teaching? 
11 years

Why are you an instructor/what inspired you to work in the fitness industry?
My inspiration comes from my career as an Occupational Therapist. Through my education journey and experience as a therapist, I have a profound appreciation for the human body and what it is capable of achieving. Understanding the vital role that physical activity plays in our movement function and overall well-being deeply resonates with me and ultimately inspired me to dive into the fitness industry. It turns out that being an OT pairs nicely with group fitness. I feel incredibly fortunate that as a fitness instructor, I get to combine my passion for health and movement, and lead classes that are welcoming, fun, energetic, and an overall great workout!

If you had a time machine, what time period would you go to and why?
Rather than focusing on the past, I’d be curious to jump into the future. Getting a glimpse of how technology, society, and the environment have evolved. Exploring the possibilities of a world shaped by advances in science, and culture, and experiencing people’s collective efforts to address global challenges would be a fascinating adventure.

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